Worry Free Womb

New book reveals a 5-Step Formula for Blissful Motherhood – Say Goodbye to Pregnancy Anxiety, Stress, and Hormones, and Master the Art of Bonding with Your Unborn 

Without driving your husband crazy and feeling overwhelmed about it. All naturally & wholistically

Your Guide to Becoming a Joyful Mommy-to-be and Nurturing a Happy Baby – Quickly and Effortlessly!

🥳 Taming the Why-Me Anxiety: Explore my proven “Worried Womb Equation” to pinpoint the root cause of your emotional state.

🔓 Manage Mood Swings,Naturally!: Discover secret lifestyle hacks that effectively balance hormones from day one, all without spending a single penny.

👏 Swift Solutions for Prenatal Anxiety, Stress, and Traumas: Acquire techniques to liberate yourself from emotional burdens that talk therapy, yoga, or meditation might miss.

Understanding the Impact: Delve into the science behind how maternal emotions influence your baby’s growth, intellect, and behavior. Plus, why it’s crucial to prioritize the emotional well-being of the mom-to-be.

💸 Crafting a Bond with Your Unborn: Master the art of creating a blissful womb environment – the magical ingredient your baby truly deserves.

🪜 Unlocking Emotional Resilience: Follow the “5 Steps to Blissful Mom” to gain mastery over your mind and emotions, ensuring you remain unaffected by external influences.

One for all and all for one, helping everybody.

— Harleen Kalia

Harleen Kalia started as a pregnancy coach in 2018, driven by her own need for emotional support and anxiety management during pregnancy. Combining her skills in Hypnotherapy, NLP, and prenatal sciences, she assists pregnant mothers and their babies. Trained under renowned figures like Paul McKena and Dr. Richard Bandler, she offers therapies to address pregnancy fears, stress, and complications swiftly. Harleen, also versed in Garbha Upanishad, runs the “My Superbaby Program,” aiming to empower mothers and nurture super babies. Drawing from experiences with numerous mothers, she shares her methods in this ebook, advocating for emotionally vibrant and mentally peaceful motherhood. When not mentoring, Harleen enjoys meditation, reading, and time with her family, emphasizing the importance of conscious pregnancy in building a proud family legacy.